Then VS Now Comparisons That Will Totally Make You Want To Go Back In Time

Before and after its good for us all to shake up our point of view. We each have our own unique lenses and experiences but this list of comparison pho

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Happy 🎂birthday Jesus!

Christmas traditions can change but the love of Jesus is everlasting!

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🎄Xmas photo As A Present To Our 👩🏽‍🤝‍🧑🏾Parents

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world and behold everything is softer and more beautiful.

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Collect 🤏moments not things.👋

Life moves on but these memories are forever.

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👩Me and my siblings 30 years apart!!

🎄Christmas traditions can change but the love of 🎅Jesus is everlasting!

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🎈In the air there’s a feeling of 🎄Christmas.

For a couple of hours out of the whole year we’re the people we always hoped we would be.

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The smells of 🌲Christmas are the smells of 👩‍👧childhood

City sidewalks busy sidewalks dressed in holiday style. In the air there’s a feeling of Christmas.

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Lets 💫replay this moment🌲🌲

Do you know when you stop and look around this life is pretty amazing?

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🤵we remember moments!!

Remember happiness is a way of traveling not a destination.

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Blessings Peace and Love

We love looking at old pictures and laughing at all the old memories that come flooding back.

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Make 🧡hearts and 🥰faces happy

To cherish peace and goodwill to be plenteous in mercy is to have the real spirit of Christmas.

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About Us

Childhood Memories of Christmas. We all have them. Most good, some, not so good but we got through them all. So here we are. All grown up. Remember the “Christmas Wishes Catalogs and Sears too? Endless hours were spent pouring over those pages. A family venture to the Christmas Tree lot and the pine smell of a new and fresh tree in the home. Old tissue wrapped ornaments full of memories came out stored boxes and presents started appearing under the tree, (how many for you?), good and happy moods, excitement, hot chocolate, bright lights and yearnings, ohhh for so many anticipated and hopeful yearnings for toys! Oh but then when were “bad” parents would remind us, “Santa is watching.” It seemed like Christmas would never come either, time went so slow in our youth. At least it seemed like it. Now looking back, where did all that time go?
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