Then VS Now Comparisons That Will Totally Make You Want To Go Back In Time

Before and after its good for us all to shake up our point of view. We each have our own unique lenses and experiences but this list of comparison pho

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Small 😀pleasures!!

The two most engaging powers of a photograph are to make new things familiar and familiar things new.

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Time flies when you’re having fun right?

Our little team has always been and always will until the end.

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Same shirt 20 years later still fits

An old dress can make you remember what is beautiful about your life.

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My 👤Nephew And I 30 Years Later...

Photography is a way of feeling of touching of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever… It remembers little things long after you h

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🎂Some Things Never Change

It’s not the years that count it’s the memories you make over these years.

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Time 🤲flies when youre having f😂un

Allow yourself to transform as many times as you need to be fully happy and free.

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🙌Live your life and forget your age

It’s sometimes more pleasant to look at an old photo of us than it is to look at a new one.

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My👨 brother has the best 👩sister in the world

You and I are brother and sister forever. Always remember that if you fall I will pick you up. As soon as I finish laughing.

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Memories made together last forever

Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.

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Live the life you love.🧡

What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever impossible to reproduce.

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About Us

Childhood Memories of Christmas. We all have them. Most good, some, not so good but we got through them all. So here we are. All grown up. Remember the “Christmas Wishes Catalogs and Sears too? Endless hours were spent pouring over those pages. A family venture to the Christmas Tree lot and the pine smell of a new and fresh tree in the home. Old tissue wrapped ornaments full of memories came out stored boxes and presents started appearing under the tree, (how many for you?), good and happy moods, excitement, hot chocolate, bright lights and yearnings, ohhh for so many anticipated and hopeful yearnings for toys! Oh but then when were “bad” parents would remind us, “Santa is watching.” It seemed like Christmas would never come either, time went so slow in our youth. At least it seemed like it. Now looking back, where did all that time go?
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