Then VS Now Comparisons That Will Totally Make You Want To Go Back In Time

Before and after its good for us all to shake up our point of view. We each have our own unique lenses and experiences but this list of comparison pho

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Childhood Recreation Photo Before and After!!

Although no one’s childhood is perfect by creating positive childhood memories for children we can create a loving environment for them to grow and

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Recreation of Childhood Photos for Parents

A throwback to better times and even better memories. Childhood is the most beautiful of all life’s seasons.

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Me then and now🧚‍♀️

Then and now pictures of me as a baby wearing a ridiculous wig vs. me at 21 with the hair I ended up growing.

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Getting long in the tooth 😬😀

Just trying to avoid the future by trying to live in the past. What day is it again?

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My father and I in 1980 and my son and I in 2018

I have my own little world but at least they all know me in here

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A photo recreation with same car but different dog🚘🐕

Having Everyone in my life made everything better. Maybe it was better now and then to wonder.

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👱👩 See we Looks great!

Instead of listing everyone in this photo lets just call it The Naughty List.

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All is calm all is bright😇

As you get older your Christmas list gets shorter—because the things you really want cant be bought. All I want for Christmas is 🍕🎅

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Our surprise images 20 Years Later

Old pictures look very young and the people in the photographs always seem a lot happier than you are.

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Look here every picture tells a story!!

Life is like a film screen: pictures come make an impression go and then make a place for new pictures with new impressions which obscure the previous

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About Us

Childhood Memories of Christmas. We all have them. Most good, some, not so good but we got through them all. So here we are. All grown up. Remember the “Christmas Wishes Catalogs and Sears too? Endless hours were spent pouring over those pages. A family venture to the Christmas Tree lot and the pine smell of a new and fresh tree in the home. Old tissue wrapped ornaments full of memories came out stored boxes and presents started appearing under the tree, (how many for you?), good and happy moods, excitement, hot chocolate, bright lights and yearnings, ohhh for so many anticipated and hopeful yearnings for toys! Oh but then when were “bad” parents would remind us, “Santa is watching.” It seemed like Christmas would never come either, time went so slow in our youth. At least it seemed like it. Now looking back, where did all that time go?
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